Be Love

In a world that is aching in so many ways, we all need a little inspiration and reminders that if we all do our part in sharing love towards one another with our family, friends and our fellow man things would be so much better.   1 Peter 4:8 and above all things have fervent love for one another, for "love will cover a multitude of sins".   A high importance is placed on "above all things" God wanted to emphasize that Love was crucial in how we live our life and interact with one another and we can see this in the following verses as well in

1 Corinthians 13:13 " and now abide faith, hope, love these three; but the greatest of these is love."  and in Colossians 3:14 "But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection."  Love is placed of highest importance above all other virtues in these passages of scripture and throughout the bible, it is vital if you identify yourself as a Christian living and walking in the path of a Christian.  There are sacrifices we make in the name of love and this kind of sacrificial love is placed in high order of importance as we live out our relationships to one another.  Love is so  much more than the emotional responses we feel towards others, like those butterflies one feels when  attracted to some one and the feel good feelings one has upon hearing the words I love you.  Love is truly a divine capacity to sacrifice one self for others.  

How often do you find yourself saying or heard someone say "I would walk across hot coals for you" or "I would give my life for you".  I know that the love I have for my family is so great that I would do anything to help them within the law of course, to protect them from danger.  God did that for us in John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.  

God is the purest essence of love  (1 John 4:8) he who does not love does not know God, for God is love.  God loves me and you with an everlasting and unconditional kind of love that we as imperfect souls have a difficult time of grasping.  He loves us without limits, but we tend to love with limits and conditions while others make you feel that you have to earn being loved, heres the thing, Love can recognize sin; but offers grace, mercy and forgiveness where needed; where sin abound graceabounds much more, love offers these to you and I without having to earn it; and this is what our challenge is when asked to love unconditionally to the point that it covers a multitude of sins.  

As I have grown closer to God I also have been stretched to love in this way, and truthfully with people that are not so lovable, who have made it difficult for me to love them as God would have me love them.  My heart has been convicted by the scriptures and the example of Gods love.  This is a journey that we are all on, how to love one another and look past our imperfections and mistakes and hurts that they have caused us, how to look at one another without so much bias and prejudice.  We all come from different back grounds and cultures and we all have to try to get along, we only have this planet that we all share and with modern technology the world is much closer to our finger tips and we are more connected more than ever. 

I desire and work towards always being the light in a world that is so angry about everything and at everyone, I choose to love and forgive (which is another subject ) it is much easier to do so than to waste every brain cell I have and physical energy to stay angry at someone.   So I challenge you to read the scriptures and meditate on them, to see how God has loved you through every mistake you have ever made and will probably make in your life time, and to see the abundance of grace and mercy you wake up to each and every day that is extended to you through Gods love for you.

Let us all be the love that this world is aching for one person at a time and as we do this, we continue to grow in love and be more like Christ.  

Wishing you love and light always 

maggie miller

I am a visual artist + textile/surface designer and author, I believe that it is by no accident, only divine intervention that I delight in the process of creating from what I see in the natural world, a butterfly, landscapes to beautiful skies and everything in between. It is my way of interacting with all things and the creator. So many things go unnoticed, but when we sit and pause for a spell there they are and I'm compelled to paint them unto canvas. 

I want to convey the message of love, faith and encouragement through what I create, and to give back in each work of art a piece of all of my life experiences, discoveries, and my intimate moments with God and life reflections.



Count your blessings name them one by one